Factspace WA, Accra 22.02.2024 – The Gambia Fact-Checking Network has been equipped with additional tools to enhance their work thanks to a virtual training on the use of social media analytics (SMA) tool known as Brandwatch.

FactSpace together with the Centre for Analytics and Behavioural Change (CABC) undertook the one-day advanced training programme on fact-checking and verification for members of the network with funding from USAID-DAI. 

The training formed part of the USAID-DAI’s Democratizing Digital SMA project designed to build the capacity of West African journalists, including journalists from The Gambia, with the aim to help them to detect and correct misinformation and disinformation that had the potential to weaken social cohesion and endanger peace.

As an introduction to the session, Mr Sedem Kwasigah, a researcher and disinformation analyst with FactSpace West Africa (GhanaFact), delved into the practical ways of detecting and analyzing suspicious content online. The highlight of his presentation included teaching participants advanced search techniques with Boolean operations.

He also gave insights on how to maximize the use of Google search engines, especially to generate accurate search queries and to narrow down search outcomes and discover truths quickly.

His presentation gave the background of the training on Brandwatch, a social media analytics tool, that enables journalists to gain insights into conversations online, especially on X (formerly Twitter).

Participants were taken through Brandwatch’s capabilities including how topics of interest are being covered, how to generate queries and convert them into successful Brandwatch searches. The hands-on practical exercises allowed participants to use the platform to discover latent patterns and identify the actors behind several manipulations online.

For the Gambia Fact-Checking Network, the training marked a new milestone in the use of advanced search techniques and the newly-introduced Brandwatch platform. With it, participants expressed excitement at the new ways they can detect and combat misinformation and disinformation on the Gambian social media space.