Claim: Toyota is giving away cars and gifts as part of its 80th-anniversary celebration

Source: Widely shared link

Verdict: HOAX

Researched by Rabiu Alhassan

A link being circulated on social media claims multinational automotive manufacturer, Toyota is giving away cars and gifts as part of its 80th-anniversary celebration.

The link which shows the brand logo of Toyota comes with the title “Toyota 80th Anniversary Celebration. Free Gifts for everyone!”

The correct Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the Japanese company ( is also deceptively displayed to attract the unsuspecting public, even though a click on the link takes users to a completely different unsecured website.

What happens when you click on the link?

A click on the link takes one to a cloned page of Toyota, encouraging gullible users to answer a set of four questions before you can get to claim your prize- “Toyota Corolla”.